Lauren Miller
We live in a culture that is fast paced and disconnected. You go about your day, tackle the tasks you set out to accomplish, return home, and think, “Tomorrow I am going to do this all over again?” But what if tomorrow brings more anxiety, stress, feeling down, or emotionally overwhelmed?
When you take a moment to pause, and realize what is missing or isn’t working, something clicks. Maybe you realize that the joy you had in life is no longer present. Or maybe when you look at your most meaningful relationships you notice distance, troubles with connecting on an emotional level, or that a current relationship is unhealthy in some way. Can there be more? Yes, there are possibilities for change and growth.
I believe slowing down and looking at the bigger picture is an important step towards wellness. What is your body telling you about the conflict you are experiencing? Turning inward to understand our inner world of feelings, needs, and beliefs fosters self-awareness that can be used to achieve growth. Connection with oneself and others is key. When we take steps to understand ourselves more deeply, we can recognize what is happening within our relationships with others. We can then shine a light on what can be changed, reshaped, or strengthened.
In my work I believe in fostering a curiosity for what is, what could be, what is meaningful, and what is nourishing.
Curiosity for the complexity and subjectivity of our life experiences furthers the self-discovery process.
Wondering what could be opens the possibility for evaluating and making new choices in your life.
Moving away from patterns that have bound you is liberating.
Shifting away from old pattens of being and relating can help you take steps toward creating a life filled with meaning.
Finding what nourishes your body and mind is a restorative process of taking care of all aspects of yourself.
If you are ready to explore psychotherapy, click the Start free consultation button below.
We will schedule a free 20 minute phone call to see if we are a good fit to work together.
If we decide to work together I will register you into my medical records and send out intake forms for you to e-sign. We will begin meeting weekly for sessions.